Фазовая диаграмма системы Au-Pu

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Au-Pu (Gold-Plutonium) H. Okamoto, T.B. Massalski, and D.E. Peterson The Au-Pu system is characterized by the presence of eight intermetallic compounds, four eutectics, four peritectics, and a peritectoid. The assessed phase diagram is primarily a composite of the work of [65Hoc] and [65Kut]. The Au melting point is taken from [Melt], and the transformation temperatures for the Pu allotropes are from [84War]. [65Hoc] found no solid solubility of Au in (aPu), but observed that Au dissolves in (ePu) sufficiently to raise the melting point to 652 C. This action leads to a peritectic reaction L + AuPu = (ePu) at about 99 at.% Pu. 65Hoc: B. Hocheid, A. Tanon, S. Bedere, J. Despres, S. Hay, and F. Miard, Plutonium 1965, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Plutonium, A.E. Kay and M.B. Waldron, Ed., Chapman Hall, London, 321-340 (1965). 65Kut: V.I. Kutaitsev, N.T. Chebotarev, I.G. Lebedev, M.A. Andrianov, V.N. Konev, and T.S. Menshikova, Plutonium 1965, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Plutonium, A. E. Kay and M.B. Waldron, Ed., Chapman Hall, London, 420-447 (1965). 84War: J.W. Ward, P.D. Kleinschmidt, and D.E. Peterson, Handbook of the Physics and Chemistry of the Actinides, C. Keller and A. Freeman, Ed., North- Holland, New York (1984). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Gold Alloys, 1987, and Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 7(6), Dec 1986. Complete evaluation contains 2 figures, 4 tables, and 9 references. Special Points of the Au-Pu System


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