Фазовая диаграмма системы Be-U
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Be-U (Beryllium-Uranium)
H. Okamoto, L.E. Tanner, and D.E. Peterson
The assessed phase diagram for the Be-U system is a combined diagram based
partially on the experimental work of [53Buz] and partially on a thermodynamic
model. The transition temperatures of pure elements given by [53Buz] are lower
than the assessed values by 0 to 11 C, but no correction has been attempted.
Because most of the temperatures were measured using an optical pyrometer, the
accuracy may not be very high. The scatter in liquidus data on the U-rich side
of Be13U was smoothed in the original paper of [53Buz] (see [Hansen]). The
phase diagram of [53Buz] indicated liquid immiscibility of about 1.5 at.%
width with a monotectic point at ~2.5 at.% U (~2.2 at.% U in the assessed
diagram) and 1550 C. Its presence has never been refuted or confirmed
experimentally and was questioned by [Hansen]. The form of this miscibility
gap is unusual, based on implications regarding thermodynamic behavior. The
presence of such a miscibility gap may be possible if there is a rather strong
Be13U-type clustering tendency in the liquid state.
Further experimental studies on the phase boundaries and thermodynamic
properties for this composition range are obviously needed. However, because
of the lack of further work in this region, the diagram of [53Buz] is accepted
in the assessed diagram. Part of the liquidus between Be13U and the L = Be13U +
(gU) eutectic in the assessed diagram is drawn according to the present
thermodynamic model. This model provides a possible alternative liquidus
boundary for the composition range between U and Be13U.
[49Bae] suggested that Be13U has a small homogeneity range, which could
explain the lattice parameter variations observed by [46Gor]. Because no
further details are available, this phase is shown as a line compound in the
assessed diagram.
No solid solubility of U in (Be) was observed [50Kau, 53Buz]. The solubility
of Be in (bU) and (aU) was not observed [53Buz]. However, 1.09 to 2.04 at.% (0.
042 to 0.079 wt.%) Be is dissolved in (gU) at 1075 C [53Buz]. [58Rou]
reported that the solid solubility of Be in U is between 2.8 and 8.4 at.%. The
solubility limit of Be in (gU) is tentatively shown at 2 at.% in the assessed
The Be13U liquidus curve on the U-rich side has a sigmoidal shape, indicating
that metastable liquid immiscibility could exist at lower temperatures,
although this has not been verified experimentally. Such a calculated
miscibility gap and its spinodal curve based on available thermochemical data
are shown in the assessed diagram.
The magnetic susceptibility of Be13U was measured [71Tro] in the temperature
range between 4.2 and 1000 K. The effective magnetic moment is 3.4 mB.
46Gor: E. Gordon, Manhattan Project Report CT-3459 (1946), as quoted in [
49Bae: N.C. Baenziger and R.E. Rundle, Acta Crystallogr., 2(4), 258 (1949).
50Kau: A.R. Kaufmann, P. Gordon, and D.W. Lillie, Trans., ASM, 42, 785-844 (
52Koe: W.C. Koehler, J. Singer, and A.S. Coffinberry, Acta Crystallogr., 5(3),
394 (1952).
53Buz: R.W. Buzzard, J. Natl. Bur. Standards, 50(2), 63-67 (1953).
58Rou: F.A. Rough and A.A. Bauer, in Constitution of Uranium and Thorium
Alloys, Battelle Memorial Institute, Report No. BMI-1300, 14-15 (1958).
59Iva: M.I. Ivanov and V.A. Tumbakov, At. Energy, 7(1), 33-35 (1959) in
Russian; TR: Sov. J. At. Energy, 7(1), 559-561 (1959).
63Han: G.L. Hanna and D.N. Turner, U.S. At. Energy Comm. AAEC/E-102, 16 p (
71Tro: R. Troc, W. Trzebiatowski, and K. Piprek, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser.
Sci. Chim., 19(6-7), 427-432 (1971).
75Buc: E. Bucher, J.P. Maita, G.W. Hull, R.C. Fulton, and A.S. Cooper, Phys.
Rev. B, 11(1), 440-449 (1975).
83Ott: H.R. Ott, H. Rudigier, Z. Fisk, and J.L. Smith, Phys. Rev. Lett., 50(20)
, 1595-1598 (1983).
84Ste1: G.R. Stewart, Z. Fisk, J.L. Smith, J.O. Willis, and M.S. Wire, Phys.
Rev. B, 30(3), 1249-1252 (1984).
84Ste2: G.R. Stewart and A.L. Giorgi, J. Low Temp. Phys., 56(3/4), 379-381 (
85Gol: A.I. Goldman, S.M. Shapiro, D.E. Cox, J.L. Smith, and Z. Fisk, Phys.
Rev. B, 32(9), 6042-6044 (1985).
85Smi: J.L. Smith, Z. Fisk, J.O. Willis, A.L. Giorgi, R.B. Roof, H.R. Ott, H.
Rudigier, and E. Felder, Physica, B, 135, 3-8 (1985).
Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Beryllium Alloys, 1987. Complete
evaluation contains 2 figures, 5 tables, and 28 references.
Special Points of the Be-U System