Фазовая диаграмма системы Ce-Th

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Ce-Th (Cerium-Thorium) Editor The Ce-Th phase diagram is redrawn from [Moffatt]. The peritectic reaction at the Ce-rich end and the catatectic reaction at the Th-rich end were taken from [57Wei] and [64Ban], respectively. The schematic shows an alternative (and perhaps more likely) phase diagram and is based on [61Vuc], who indicated that a continuous solid solution occurs between (dCe) and (bTh).-H.O. 57Wei: R.T. Weiner, W.E. Freeth, and G.V. Raynor, J. Inst. Met., 86, 185-188 ( 1957-1958). 61Vuc: J.H.N. van Vucht, Philips Res. Rep., 16, 1-40 (1961). 64Ban: G.H. Bannister and J.R. Thomson, J. Nucl. Mater., 12, 16-23 (1964). 1


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