Фазовая диаграмма системы Co-In

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Co-In (Cobalt-Indium) H. Okamoto Because of limited experimental data, the assessed Co-In phase diagram is based solely on the experimental data of [70Sch] and was obtained from a thermodynamic model proposed by [79Pre]. The symmetric form of the assessed miscibility gap is based on a regular solution model of [79Pre]. The calculated critical temperature of the miscibility gap is 1455 C, which appears to be a reasonable estimate. The assessed diagram is quite different from that of [54Khl] (see [Elliott]). The assessed diagram is characterized by liquid immiscibility, whereas the diagram of [54Khl] showed Co3In2 (which melts congruently), CoIn, and CoIn2. Comparison of diffraction data [68Das] supposedly from Co3In2 and CoIn with diffraction data from CoIn2 and CoIn3 indicates that Co3In2 and CoIn do not exist, rather they are mixtures of CoIn2 and CoIn3. No solubility of In in (Co) was detected from the change of Curie and transition temperatures of (Co) [52Kos]. The solubility of Co in (In) is unknown. 52Kos: W. Koster and E. Horn, Z. Metallkd., 43, 333-334 (1952) in German. 54Khl: A.H. Khlapova, Khim. Redkikh Elementov, Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1, 115-120 ( 1954) in Russian. 68Das: C. Dasarathy, Z. Metallkd., 59(10), 829-831 (1968) in German. 70Sch: J.D. Schobel and H.H. Stadelmaier, Z. Metallkd., 61(5), 342-343 (1970) in German. 73Sta: H.H. Stadelmaier, J.D. Schobel, R.A. Jones, and C.A. Shumaker, Acta Crystallogr. B, 29, 2926-2929 (1973). 75Sta: H.H. Stadelmaier and H.K. Manaktala, Acta Crystallogr. B, 31(2), 374- 378 (1975). 77Kat: M.V. Katrich, N.N. Matyushenko, and Yu.G. Titov, Kristallografiya, 22(1) , 188-190 (1977) in Russian; TR: Sov. Phys. Crystallogr., 22(1) 107-108 (1977). 79Pre: B. Predel and W. Vogelbein, Thermochim. Acta, 30, 187-200 (1979) in German. 81Ell: M. Ellner and S. Bhan, J. Less-Common Met., 79(1), 1-9 (1981). in German. Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 11(2), Apr 1990. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 10 references. Special Points of the Co-In System