Фазовая диаграмма системы Cr-Hg

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Cr-Hg (Chromium-Mercury) M. Venkatraman and J.P. Neumann Because no comprehensive investigations of the binary Cr-Hg system were found in the literature, the assessed diagram is based on the available data for the solubility of Cr in liquid Hg and is considered speculative. The diagram is characterized by the absence of intermediate phases and essential immiscibility of Cr and Hg in the solid and the liquid state. The type of the invariant three-phase reaction (Cr) + L + (aHg) at approximately -39 C is not known. The solubility of Cr in liquid Hg is of interest because of the possible use of Hg as a fluid for Rankine cycle turbines in nuclear power engines for space vehicles [63Ros]. The expression of [67Wee], log (at.% Cr) = 8.70 - 9830/T(K), is adopted for the representation of the solubility data. Extrapolation of the equation of [67Wee] to 25 C yields a solubility of about 10-10 at.% Cr. 63Jan: G. Jangg and H. Palman, Z. Metallkd., 54, 364-369 (1963) in German. 63Ros: L. Rosenblum, J. Met., 15, 637-641 (1963). 63Wee: J.R. Weeks, NASA Spec. Pub. NASA-SP-41, 21-26 (1963). 67Wee: J.R. Weeks, Corrosion, 23(4), 98-106 (1967). Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 10(2), Apr 1989. Complete evaluation contains 2 figures, 1 table, and 12 references. 1


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