Фазовая диаграмма системы Ga-In

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Ga-In (Gallium-Indium) T.J. Anderson and I. Ansara The equilibrium Ga-In phase diagram is a simple eutectic type with a negligible solubility of In in solid (aGa). The assessed phase diagram shows a retrograde tetragonal (In) solidus with a solubility of 2.3 at.% Ga at the eutectic temperature of 15.3 C. The assessed phase diagram is based primarily on review of the work of [38Fre], [52Den], [54Svi], [66Heu], [69Hay], [69Pre], [75Kuz], [75Shu], [75Zak], [ 81Gub], and [81Kap] and was obtained by thermodynamic modeling. The calculated solidus is retrograde and consistent with the experimental measurements giving the smallest solubility of Ga in (In). Liquid alloys of Ga and In are easily undercooled, and the thermal effect upon heating in this composition range is slight, thus making experimental determination of the liquidus more difficult. The assessed liquidus reproduces the measurements of [69Hay]. There is no evidence for the formation of Ga-rich solid solution. The assessed solidus and solvus were obtained from an optimization of the liquidus data and liquid solution properties. Given the consistency between the measured liquid solution properties and the Ga-rich liquidus data, the constraints imposed by the In-rich liquidus on the solid solution behavior, and the more recent solidus measurements, the optimized solidus is judged acceptable. Measurement of the In-rich liquidus was extended below the eutectic temperature by [52Den], [63Del], and [81Kap]. On slow cooling or with high pressure, Ga crystallizes in a complex orthorhombic structure (bGa). [63Del] also observed another metastable reaction in which liquid transforms to (bGa) and an unknown compound. Thermal analysis measure- ments of supercooled In-rich solution by [63Del] suggest the compound is Ga3In2. [79Szy] formed metastable (aGa) and (b›Ga) phases by splat cooling alloys to - 193 C. For alloys up to 9 at.% In, solid solutions with the (aGa) structure were formed. When the alloy composition was between 9 and 12 at.% In, a structure similar to (bGa), but with a small monoclinic distortion, was observed (b›Ga). 38Fre: S.J. French, D.J. Saunders, and G.W. Ingle, J. Phys. Chem., 42, 265-274 (1938). 52Den: J.P. Denny, J.H. Hamilton, and J.R. Lewis, Trans. AIME, 194, 39-42 ( 1952). 54Svi: W.J. Svirbeley and S.M. Selis J. Phys. Chem., 58, 33-35 (1954). 63Del: S. Delcroix, A. Defrain, and I. Epelboin, J. Phys. Radium, 24, 17-20 ( 1963). 66Heu: U. H‰ubner and P. Wincierz, Metall, 20, 703-707 (1966) in German. 69Hay: F.H. Hayes and O. Kubaschewski, J. Inst. Met., 97, 381-383 (1969). 69Pre: B. Predel and D.W. Stein, J. Less-Common Met., 18, 49-57 (1969) in German. 75Kuz: S.K. Kuznetsova, K.I. Chshkalkova, and G.M. Kuznetsov, Irv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Neorg. Mater., 11(6), 1016-1019 (1975) in Russian. 75Shu: P.E. Shurai, V.N. Danilin, F.T. Sryvalin, and A.G. Muratidi, Fiz.-Khim. Issled. Metall. Protsessov, 3, 60-62 (1975) in Russian. 75Zak: D.M. Zakharov, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 49, 2208-2210 (1975) in Russian; TR: Russ. J. Phys. Chem., 49, 1299-1300 (1975). 79Szy: D. Szymanski, J.C. Barrick and B.C. Giessen, J. Solid State Chem., 30, 55-59 (1979). 81Gub: G.H.M. GЃbbels, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Delft (1981) in Dutch. 81Kap: A.B. Kaplun and A.I. Sherubnev, Teplo. Kristalliz. Kondens. Met., Novosibirsk, 76-83 (1981) in Russian. Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 4 figures, 6 tables, and 42 references. 1