Фазовая диаграмма системы Ga-La

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Ga-La (Gallium-Lanthanum) A. Palenzona and S. Cirafici The assessed Ga-La phase diagram is based primarily on [77Yat], [79Yat], [ 81Pel], and [82Day] with some modifications based on other data. The melting points of Ga and La and the transformation temperatures have been modified to the accepted values. The equilibrium phases are (1) the liquid, L; (2) five intermetallic compounds: Ga6La, Ga2La, GaLa, Ga3La5, and GaLa3; and (3) the terminal solid solutions (Ga) and (La), with negligible solubility. In the range 0 to 5 at.% La, the liquidus line has been drawn taking into account the solubility data of [71Vnu] and [72Yat]. The compound richest in Ga is Ga6La [81Pel]. The accepted peritectic temperature is 477 C. However, [ 77Yat] found an unknown thermal effect at 726 C, while [82Lu] fixed the decomposition temperature of Ga6La at 700 C. The assessed diagram includes only the effect at 477 C. The solid solubility of Ga in Ga2La is extended between Ga2La and the Ga-rich side from 18 to 33.3 at.% La. No information is available on the solid solubility of Ga in La, and the effect of an addition of Ga on the a = b and b = g transformation of La are unknown. [78Shu] investigated metastable GaxLa1-x alloys where x is 0.16, 0.20, 0.22, 0. 24, 0.26, and 0.28 at.%. The samples were prepared by induction melting of the appropriate constituents on the silver boat under an argon atmosphere and quenched from the liquid state using the "piston and anvil" splat-cooling technique. Thickness of the samples was ~0.005 cm. [78Shu] stated that the superconductivity of these amorphous systems is of the intermediate-coupling nature. The transition temperatures ranged from 3.4 to 4.0 K. Measurements of the Hall coefficient at liquid He, liquid N2, and room temperature were carried out by [78Col] on Ga0.2La0.8 and by [79Col] on GaxLa1- x where x is 0.16, 0.22, and 0.26 at.%. They found the Hall coefficient positive and temperature dependent for these systems. [84Wan] found superconductive behavior in amorphous GaLa4 obtained by melt spinning, with the transition temperature at 6.5 K. The pressure effect on amorphous GaLa4 was studied by [85Wan], who found that a pressure of 8 GPa depressed the crystallizing temperature. Different treating temperatures at this pressure yielded different constituent phases and different superconductive properties. Amorphous samples heated at 450 C at 8 GPa for 10 min transformed into a new single-phase modification not yet determined, with a transition temperature of 6.5 K. [86Tag] showed Ga6La to be a Pauli paramagnet with a very low value of magnetic susceptibility, independent of temperature. Little is known about the superconducting properties of Ga-La phases. [67Smi] studied the superconductivity of GaLa3, and found a transition temperature at 5.84 K with a linear variation of TC with pressure up to 23 kbar. [69Gre] stated that Ga2La did not exhibit superconductivity down to 1.4 K. 43Lav: F. Laves, Naturwissenschaften, 31, 145 (1943) in German. 61Has: S.E. Haszko, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 221, 201-202 (1961). 65Dwi: A.E. Dwight, Argonne Nat. Lab. Ann. Progr. Rep., Met. Div., U.S. At. Energy Comm. ANL-7155, 234-237 (1965). 65Par: E. Parthe›, D. Hohnke, W. Jeitschko, and O. Schob, Naturwissenschaften, 52, 155 (1965). 67Dwi: A.E. Dwight, J.W. Downey, and R.A. Conner, Jr., Acta Crystallogr., 23, 860-862 (1967). 67Smi: T.F. Smith and H.L. Luo, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 28, 569-576 (1967). 68Pal: A. Palenzona and E. Franceschi, J. Less-Common Met., 14, 47-53 (1968). 69Dzy: D.I. Dzyana and P.I. Kripyakevich, Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR A, Fiz.-Mat. Teckh., 31, 247-250 (1969) in Russian. 69Gre: R.W. Green, E.O. Thorland, J. Croat, and S. Legvold, J. Appl. Phys., 40, 3161-3162 (1969). 71Vnu: L.A. Vnuchkova, A.P. Bayanov, and V.V. Serebrennikov, Zh. Fiz. Khim., 45, 177 (1971) in Russian. 72Yat: S.P. Yatsenko, Yu.A. Anikin, and E.N. Dieva, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Met., 2, 213-214 (1972) in Russian. 77Yat: S.P. Yatsenko, J. Chim. Phys., 74, 836-843 (1977). 78Col: P.C. Colter, T.W. Adair, III, D.G. Naugle, and W.L. Johnson, J. Phys. ( Paris), 39(C6), 955-956 (1978). 78Shu: W.H. Shull and D.G. Naugle, Phys. Rev. B, 18, 3263-3270 (1978). 79Col: P.C. Colter, T.W. Adair, III, and D.G. Naugle, Phys. Rev. B., 20, 2959- 2960 (1979). 79Yat: S.P. Yatsenko, A.A. Semyannikov, B.G. Semenov, and K.A. Chuntonov, J. Less-Common Met., 64, 185-199 (1979). 81Gri: Yu.M. Grin›, K.A. Chuntonov, Ya.P. Yarmolyuk, S.P. Yatsenko, and E.I. Gladishevskii, Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR A, Fiz.-Mat.Tekh., 5, 86-89 (1981) in Russian. 81Pel: J. Pelleg, G. Kimmel, and D. Dayan, J. Less-Common Met., 81, 33-44 ( 1981). 82Day: D. Dayan, U. Atzmony, and M.P. Dariel, J. Less-Common Met., 87, 87-98 ( 1982). 82Lu: S.S. Lu, S. Xie, and J. Liang, Acta Phys. Sin. (China), 31, 1635-1641 ( 1982) in Chinese. 84Wan: S.-Z. Wang, B. Liu, X.-M. Huang, Z.-Y. Liu, W.-H. Wang, and X.-P. Xu, Chin. Phys., 4, 943-947 (1984) in Chinese. 84Zev: L. Zevin, J. Pelleg, G. Kimmel, and D. Dayan, Scr. Metall., 18, 1257- 1261 (1984). 85Kim: G. Kimmel, D. Dayan, L. Zevin, and J. Pelleg, Metall. Trans. A, 16, 167- 171 (1985). 85Wan: W.-H Wang, X.-P Xu, Z.-Y. Liu, S.-A. He, and S.-Z. Wang, Rare Met. ( China), 4, 61-66 (1985) in Chinese. 86Tag: Y. Tagawa, J. Sakurai, and Y. Komura, J. Less-Common Met., 119, 269-275 (1986). Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 11(1), Feb 1990. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 31 references. Special Points of the Ga-La System


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