Фазовая диаграмма системы Gd-Ni

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Gd-Ni (Gadolinium-Nickel) Y.Y. Pan and P. Nash The assessed Gd-Ni phase diagram is based primarily on [61Nov] and [86Pan]. Nine intermediate phases were reported. GdNi and GdNi5 melt congruently, and the others are formed by peritectic reactions. Three eutectic reactions occur. The effect of Ni on the transformation of Gd is unknown. [61Cop] showed some solubility of Ni in (Gd), Gd in (Ni), and Ni in GdNi5, but no detailed information was given. Other investigators did not observe these solubilities. All compounds were suggested to be line compounds by [61Nov] and [86Pan]. [70Bus] examined annealed samples of Gd2Ni7 for 2 to 4 weeks. They found the main phase was hexagonal when quenched from 1200 C and rhombohedral when annealed at 700 C. Consequently, they suggested that the hexagonal form is the high-temperature modification, and the rhombohedral type is the low- temperature form. Both of these forms always coexisted in the sample (the heat treatments resulted only in a shift of their relative amounts, but did not produce a single-phase sample), and the transformation temperature was not determined. It is represented with a dashed line in the assessed diagram. [67Laf] reported the Curie temperature of Gd2Ni17 as 205 K; however, [68Car] found it to be 623 K. [73Wal] claimed that the data of [68Car] are more nearly characteristic of Gd2Ni17, due to better control and assessment of impurities. 60Nas: K. Nassau, L.V. Cherry, and W.E. Wallace, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 16, 123-130 (1960). 60Wer: J.H. Wernick and S. Geller, Trans. AIME, 218, 866-868 (1960). 61Bae: N.C. Baenziger and J.L. Moriarty, Jr., Acta Crystallogr., 14, 948-950 ( 1961). 61Cop: M. Copeland and G. Kato, Rare Earth Research, J.F. Nachman and C.E. Lundih, Ed., Plenum Press, New York, 113-141 (1961). 61Nov: V.F. Novy, R.C. Vickery, and E.V. Kleber, Trans. AIME, 221, 585-588 ( 1961). 63Dwi: A.E. Dwight, ANL-6868, USAEC, 303-305 (1963). 64Abr: S.C. Abrahams, J.L. Bernstein, R.C. Sherwood, J.H. Wernick, and H.J. Williams, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 25, 1069-1080 (1964). 64Wal: R.E. Walline and W.E. Wallace, J. Chem. Phys., 41(6), 1587-1591 (1964). 65Dwi: A.E. Dwight, R.A. Conner, Jr., and J.W. Downey, Acta Crystallogr., 18, 835-838 (1965). 66Bus: K.H.J. Buschow, J. Less-Common Met., 11, 204-208 (1966). 66Van: J.H.N. Van Vucht, J. Less-Common Met., 10, 146-147 (1966). 67Laf: J. Laforest, R. Lemaire, D. Paccard, and R. Pauthenet, Compt. Rend. B, 264, 676-679 (1967) in French. 67Lem: R. Lemaire and D. Paccard, Bull. Soc. Fr. Min‚r. Cristallogr., 90, 311- 313 (1967) in French. 67Pac: D. Paccard and R. Pauthenet, Compt. Rend., B, 264(15), 1056-1059 (1967) in French. 68Car: P.D. Carfagna and W.E. Wallace, J. Appl. Phys., 39, 5259-5262 (1968). 68Man: R.C. Mansey, G.V. Raynor, and I.R. Harris, J. Less-Common Met., 14, 329- 336 (1968). 69Vir: A.V. Virkar and A. Raman, J. Less-Common Met., 18, 59-66 (1969). 70Bus: K.H.J. Buschow and A.S. Van Der Goot, J. Less-Common Met., 22(4), 419- 428 (1970). 71Tay: K.N.R. Taylor, Adv. Phys., 20(N87), 551 (1971). 73Wal: W.E. Wallace, Rare Earth Intermetallics, Academic Press, New York (1973) . 86Pan: Y.Y. Pan, C.S. Cheng, M. Li, and H. Yang, Acta Phys. Sin. (China), 35(5) , 677-680 (1986). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Nickel Alloys, 1991. Complete evaluation contains 3 figures, 5 tables, and 32 references. Special Points of the Gd-Ni System


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