Фазовая диаграмма системы Ge-V
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Ge-V (Germanium-Vanadium) J.F. Smith There are four intermediate phases in the V-Ge system, with stoichiometries of V3Ge, V5Ge3, V11Ge8, and V17Ge31. V3Ge and V5Ge3 melt peritectically. Eutectic reactions occur between (V) and V3Ge, between V3Ge and V5Ge3, and between V17Ge31 and (Ge). The terminal solubility of Ge in (V) is finite, but limited. The assessed phase diagram is a compromise between the diagrams of [74Sve] and [74Sav], with the work of [74Sve] favored in the V-rich region. Also reviewed was the work of [54Har], [55Woo], [58Gla], [68Zag], [70Bor], and [80Wat]. A superconducting transition occurs in V3Ge, and the diversity of values that have been reported for the transition temperature implies that the transition is sensitive to purity and/or stoichiometry. It appears probable that the Mn5Si3 structure of V5Ge3 is an impurity-stabilized phase. Thus, the V5Ge3 phase in the pure binary system will have the W5Si3 structure up to its melting temperature. 54Har: G.F. Hardy and J.K. Hulm, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 1014-1016 (1954). 55Woo: H.H. Woodbury and W.N. Tyler, Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 659-662 (1955). 58Gla: E.I. Gladyshevskii and Yu.V. Kuzma, Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, (11), 1208-1211 (1958). 68Zag: V.L. Zagryazhskii and N.V. Kuz'menko, Tr. Ural. Politekh. Inst., (167), 155 (1968). 70Bor: M.K. Borzhitskaya, V.L. Zagryazhskii, V.I. Surikov, and A.K. Shtol'ts, Tr. Ural. Politekh. Inst., (186), 207-209 (1970). 74Sav: E.M. Savitskii, Yu.V. Efimov, K. Aukler, and O.J. Evolinskii, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Met., 3, 214 (1974) in Russian; TR: Russ. Metall. 3, 137-141 (1974) . 74Sve: V.N. Svechnikov, Yu.A. Kocherzinskii, G.S.Kabzenko, V.N. Pan, and A.K. Shurin, Metallofizika, (52), 3-22 (1974). 80Wat: R.M. Waterstrat, Am. Dental Assoc. Health Foundation at Nat. Bur. Stand. , private communication (Nov 1980). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Vanadium Alloys, 1989. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 32 references. Special Points of the V-Ge System