Фазовая диаграмма системы In-Na

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-Na (Indium-Sodium) S. Larose and A.D. Pelton The assessed In-Na phase diagram is based on the experimental work of [69Lam], [70Thu], and [74Nee], with review of the data of [52Heb] and [67Dav], and was obtained by thermodynamic modeling. Error limits on the assessed liquidus are estimated as с10 C for Na content below about 40 at.%, increasing to с15 C for higher Na concentrations. A solid solubility of 3.3 at.% Na in (In) at 160 C was calculated. Such a large solid solubility is somewhat unexpected in view of the 14% difference in the atomic radii of In and Na. [70Thu] reported thermal arrests near 286 and 160 C which they took to be the upper and lower temperatures at which a third compound, InNa3, exists. These are tentatively indicated in the assessed diagram. Because many investigators observed eutectic thermal arrests near 96 C from 50 to 100 at.% Na, this compound, if it exists, must have a lower temperature limit on the equilibrium diagram. [70Thu], by analogy to compounds observed in other systems, suggest the composition InNa2 or In4Na9. Neither [69Lam] nor [74Nee] could detect any evidence for this compound. However, [69Lam] report that they isolated crystals of a compound which they analyzed as InNa3. The total energies of InNa in the B32 (NaTl) and B2 (CsCl) structure were calculated ab initio [85Chr] over a wide pressure range. The calculated pressure for the B32 = B2 transition is >500 kbar. 33Zin: E. Zintl and S. Neumayr, Z. Phys. Chem., B, 20, 272-275 (1933). 52Heb: M.F.W. Heberlein, Trans. ASM, 44, 545-548 (1952). 67Dav: H.A. Davies, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 239, 928-929 (1967). 69Lam: G.J. Lamprecht and P. Crowther, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 31, 925-931 ( 1969). 70Thu: R. ThЃmmel and W. Klemm, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 376, 44-63 (1970). 74Nee: A.J. Neething, South African Atomic Energy Board Report, Penlindaba, PEL230, Pretoria, 21 pages (1974). 85Chr: N.E. Christensen, Phys. Rev. B, 32, 207-228 (1985). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 4 figures, 3 tables, and 20 references. Special Points of the In-Na System


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