Фазовая диаграмма системы In-Pd

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-Pd (Indium-Palladium) H. Okamoto The assessed In-Pd diagram was determined by [59Kni] (0 to 100 at.% Pd) and modified partly by [87Sch] and [88Sch] (50 to 100 at.% Pd), both based on thermal and metallographic examinations. 47Hel: E. Hellner and F. Laves, Z. Naturforsch., A, 2(3), 177-183 (1947) in German. 57Sch: K. Schubert, H. Breimer, W. Burkhardt, E. Gunzel, R. Haufler, H.L. Lukas, H. Vetter, J. Wegst, and M. Wilkens, Naturwissenschaften, 44(7), 229- 230 (1957) in German. 58Sch: K. Schubert, H. Breimer, R. Gohle, H.L. Lukas, H.G. Meissner, and E. Stolz, Naturwissenschaften, 45(15), 360-361 (1958) in German. 59Kni: J.R. Knight and D.W. Rhys, J. Less-Common Met., 1(4), 292-303 (1959). 69Bha: S. Bhan and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 17, 73-90 (1969) in German. 87Sch: E.E. Schmid, dissertation, Univ. Stuttgart (1987); quoted in [88Sch]. 88Sch: E.E. Schmid and V. Carle, Prakt. Metallogr., 25(7), 340-348 (1988). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 3 figures, 3 tables, and 13 references. Special Points of the In-Pd System


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