Фазовая диаграмма системы In-Sc

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-Sc (Indium-Scandium) H. Okamoto The assessed phase diagram for the Sc-In system is based primarily on the experimental data of [83Yat]. Because the temperatures in the original diagram were rounded to the nearest 10 C, the accuracy of the temperature scale is probably no better than с5 C. Compositions were scaled from the diagram of [ 83Yat]. Homogeneity ranges of all phases have not been well established. The composition of Sc3In may be off-stoichiometric. According to [68Gar], the composition limits are 22 to 23 at.% In at 400 to 800 C. Further confirmation is needed. A solid solution of In in (aSc) becomes ferromagnetic below 6 K between 23.8 and 24.2 at.% In (metastable according to the assessed diagram) [61Mat]. The pressure dependence of the Curie point of Sc3In is dTC/dP = 1.95 x 10-4 K/bar [68Gar]. 61Mat: B.T. Matthias, A.M. Clogston, H.J. Williams, E. Corenzwit, and R.C. Sherwood, Phys. Rev. Lett., 7(1), 7-9 (1961). 62Com: V.B. Compton and B.T. Matthias, Acta Crystallogr., 15, 94 (1962). 65Par: E. Parthe, D. Hohnke, W. Jeitschko, and O. Schob, Naturwissenschaften, 52(7), 155 (1965). 68Gar: W.E. Gardner, T.F. Smith, B.W. Howlett, C.W. Chu, and A. Sweedler, Phys. Rev., 166(2), 577-588 (1968). 83Yat: S.P. Yatsenko, A.A. Semyannikov, H.O. Shakarov, and E.G. Fedorova, J. Less-Common Met., 90(1), 95-108 (1983). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 5 references. Special Points of the Sc-In System


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