Фазовая диаграмма системы In-Sr

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-Sr (Indium-Strontium) H. Okamoto The assessed In-Sr phase diagram is based on the experimental studies of [ 66Bru]. The original diagram of [66Bru] showed In2Sr3, which was determined metallographically, instead of In3Sr5, which was determined later by structural analysis [78Bru]. In2Sr and InSr3 melt congruently at 930 and 558 C, respectively [66Bru]. Formerly, solid Sr was believed to have three allotropic forms, with transition temperatures at 605 and 213 C [King2], and [66Bru] observed a transition of Sr at ~610 C. The disagreement regarding transition temperatures of Sr indicates that the thermal analysis data of [66Bru] may have been influenced by impure Sr. Because no other data were available, the temperatures given by [66Bru] are accepted as reported. [69Das] predicted that the In-Sr system shows immiscibility in the liquid state. However, no such trend was observed experimentally. 64Ian: A. Iandelli, Z. Anorg. Chem., 330, 221-232 (1964) in German. 66Bru: G. Bruzzone, J. Less-Common Met., 11, 249-258 (1966). 69Das: C. Dasarathy, Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME, 245(9), 2015-2019 (1969). 78Bru: G. Bruzzone, E. Franceschi, and F. Merlo, J. Less-Common Met., 60(1), 59-63 (1978). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 4 references. 1


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