Фазовая диаграмма системы La-Ru

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


La-Ru (Lanthanum-Ruthenium) Editor The La-Ru phase diagram drawn by [Moffatt] was based on the Ru-rich peritectic temperature reported by [63Rei], information on intermetallic phases reported in [79Pal] and [84Sha], and presumed similarity to Gd-Ru and Dy-Ru systems. The transition temperature between a- and bLa7Ru3 is unknown.-H.O. 59Com: V.B. Compton and B.T. Matthias, Acta Crystallogr., 12, 651-654 (1959). 63Rei: R.D. Reiswig and K.A. Gschneidner, Jr., J. Less-Common Met., 5, 432-433 (1963). 79Pal: A. Palenzona, J. Less-Common Met., 66, P27-P33 (1979). 84Sha: P. Sharifrazi, R.C. Mohanty, and A. Raman, Z. Metallkd., 75(10), 801- 805 (1984). 1


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