Фазовая диаграмма системы Lu-Nd

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Lu-Nd (Lutetium-Neodymium) K.A. Gschneidner, Jr. and F.W. Calderwood In an investigation of the nature of the formation of the Sm-type structure, [ 66Lun] studied some alloys in the Lu-Nd system. He failed to confirm the existence of the Sm-type structure in this system, but found evidence for the presence of two phases. Metallographic examination showed that alloys in the composition range where the Sm-type structure is expected (82 at.% Nd-18 at.% Lu) had a complex structure, with a different appearance compared to that expected if a Sm-type structure had formed. The conclusion was reached that a two-phase miscibility gap exists in this system. [66Lun] also proposed a eutectoid reaction of the high-temperature bcc allotrope as the most probable phase equilibrium to accommodate a miscibility gap. However, the present reviewers feel that the phase relationships found in the Nd-Sc system are more likely, because of the similarity of the physical properties and alloying behavior of Lu and Sc. Editor's note: The Lu-Nd phase diagram was added as drawn by [Moffatt] to indicate the qualitative features of the system summarized in [85Gsc]. 66Lun: C.E. Lundin, AD-633558 (also given as DRI-2326), final report, Denver Research Institute, University of Denver, Denver, CO (1966). 85Gsc: K.A. Gschneidner, Jr., J. Less-Common Met., 114, 29-42 (1985). This updates the evaluation by K.A. Gschneidner, Jr. and F.W. Calderwood published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 3(3), Dec 1982. Complete evaluation contains 1 reference. 1


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