Фазовая диаграмма системы Lu-Si

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Lu-Si (Lutetium-Silicon) Editor [Moffatt] constructed the Lu-Si phase diagram based on information given by [ 64Gla], who determined that Lu5Si3 is in equilibrium with LuSi; by [61Lun], who reported the existence of Mn5Si3-type Lu3Si5, which may be AlB2-type LuSi2 [62May] or LuSi2-n [63Gla]; and by [79Ian], who stated that Lu3Si5 is the only phase richer in Si than LuSi. In addition, the existence of Lu5Si4 was reported by [67Smi].-H.O. 61Lun: C.E. Lundin, Rare Earth Research, E.V. Kleber, Ed., Macmillan Co., New York, 306-313 (1961). 62May: I.P. Mayer, E. Banks, and B. Post, J. Phys. Chem., 66, 693-696 (1962). 63Gla: E.I. Gladyshevskii, Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, (7), 886-888 (1963). 64Gla: E.I. Gladyshevskii, and P.I. Kripyakevich, Zh. Strukt. Khim., 5, 853- 859 (1964) in Russian; TR: J. Struct. Chem. USSR, 5, 789-794 (1964). 67Smi: G.S. Smith, A.G. Tharp, and Q. Johnson, Acta Crystallogr., 22(6), 940- 943 (1967). 79Ian: A. Iandelli, A. Palenzona, and G.L. Olcese, J. Less-Common Met., 64, 213-220 (1979). 1