Фазовая диаграмма системы Mg-Zr

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Mg-Zr (Magnesium-Zirconium) A.A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J.B. Clark Only the Mg-rich region (0 to 1 at.% Zr) of the Mg-Zr system has been investigated extensively. The Mg-rich region of the assessed Mg-Zr phase diagram is based on the work of [64Ves] and [62Cro]. There is general agreement on the existence of a peritectic reaction at the Mg-rich end; however, there is controversy over the existence of any intermediate phases. Any reported phases appear to be due to the presence of impurities. The maximum solid solubilty of Zr in (Mg) is 1.042 at.% Zr [62Eml]. This is also the average value of [64Ves] and [65Poo]. The solid solubility of Mg in ( Zr) has not yet been determined. There is negligible solid solubility of Mg in (bZr) or (aZr). 62Cro: R.L. Crosby and K.A. Fowler, U.S. Bur. Mines, Rep. Invest. No. 6078 ( 1962). 62Eml: E.F. Emley and P. Duncumb, J. Inst. Met., 90, 360-361 (1961-1962). 64Ves: I.M. Vesey and H.J. Bray, J. Inst. Met., 92, 383-384 (1963-1964). 65Poo: D.M. Poole, P.M. Martin, and E.N. Hodkin, J. Inst. Met., 93, 168 (1964- 1965). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Magnesium Alloys, 1988, and Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 6(3), Jun 1985. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 6 tables, and 27 references. Special Points of the Mg-Zr System