Фазовая диаграмма системы Mn-Sn

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Mn-Sn (Manganese-Tin) Editor The (dMn), (gMn), and (bMn) regions of the Mn-Sn phase diagram above 950 C are from [86Wac]. The region between 0 and 40 at.% Sn below 950 C is from [ 68Sin], and the remainder is from [68Wac].-H.O. 44Nia: O. Nial, Ark. Kemi, Mineral. Geol. B, 17, (11) (1944). 46Now: H. Nowotny and K. Schubert, Z. Metallkd., 37, 17-23 (1946) in German. 65Mur: N.S.S. Murty, R.J. Begum, B.S. Srinivasan, and M.R.L.N. Murty, Phys. Lett., 15(3), 225-227 (1965). 68Sin: U.P. Singh, A.K. Pal, L. Chandrasekaran, and K.P. Gupta, Trans. AIME, 242, 1161-1163 (1968). 68Wac: E. Wachtel and R. Ulrich, Z. Metallkd., 59, 227-236 (1968) in German. 86Wac: E. Wachtel, P. Terzieff, and J. Bahle, Monatsh. Chem., 117, 1349-1366 ( 1986) in German. 1


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