Фазовая диаграмма системы Mo-Ni

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Mo-Ni (Molybdenum-Nickel) M.F. Singleton and P. Nash The assessed Ni-Mo phase diagram is based primarily on the work of [64Cas] and [70Wic] for the liquidus/solidus and on the work of [64Cas], [73Hei], and [ 73Kat] for the solid-state equilibria. Thermodynamic modeling using least- squares optimization was used to obtain the present diagram. Ordering of the Ni-rich solid as a preliminary step in its decomposition possibly involves four metastable phases: Ni2Mo, Ni3Mo, Ni4Mo, and Ni17Mo5. 64Cas: R.E.W. Casselton and W.J. HumeRothery, J. Less-Common Met., 7(212), 221 (1964). 70Wic: A. Wicker, C. Allibert, J. Driole, and E. Bonnier, C.R. Hebd. S‚ances Acad. Sci., 271, 273-275 (1970) in French. 73Hei: C.P. Heijwegen and G.D. Reick, Z. Metallkd., 64, 450-453 (1973). 73Kat: I. Katayama, H. Shimatani, and Z. Kozuka, Z. Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai-Shi, 37, 509-515 (1973). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Nickel Alloys, 1991. Complete evaluation contains 5 tables, 3 figures, and 47 references. 1


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