Фазовая диаграмма системы Nb-Ni

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Nb-Ni (Niobium-Nickel) P. Nash and A. Nash The maximum solubility of Ni in (Nb) is 4.5 at.% Ni at 1400 C [70Wic]. The solubility of the (Nb) solvus is ~5 at.% Ni at 1290 C [66Due]. The assessed phase diagram is based on the work of [39Gru], [41Pog], [64Sve], [66Due], [ 66Kor], and [70Wic]. The (Ni) solvus exhibits a rapid decrease in solubility from the eutectic temperature to about 1000 C. The existence of a Ni8Nb phase below 535 C was established by [69Qui], [71Wek], and [72Wek]. Because this phase forms by a first-order phase transformation [71Wek], it may be inferred that there is a peritectoid reaction occurring at 535 C. Using optical microscopy, [66Due] determined the homogeneity range of Ni3Nb at 1000 C as 23.5 to 26.5 at.% Nb. [ 75Mur1] and [75Mur2] confirmed this range from diffusion couple work and showed it to be temperature invariant over the range 750 to 1025 C. Amorphous alloy ribbons of Ni40Nb60, Ni50Nb50, and Ni60Nb40 have been produced. Amorphous Ni60Nb40 has also been produced from partially crystallized Ni60Nb40 after Ni+ irradiation. [67Ruh] splat quenched 15 to 25 at.% Nb alloys and found four new metastable structural features consisting of a cph z phase, a supersaturated (Ni) solid solution, formation of Ni3 (NixNb1-x), a nonstoichiometric form of Ni3Nb with a lower Nb content, and a microcrystalline phase, particularly at high cooling rates. The maximum extension of the (Ni) solid solution depends on cooling rate. 39Gru: G. Grube, O. Kubaschewski, and K. Zwiauer, Z. Elektrochem., 45(12), 881- 884 (1939). 41Pog: S.A. Pogodin and A.N. Selikmann, C.R. (Dokl.) Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S., 31(9) , 895-897 (1941) in German. 64Sve: V.N. Svechnikov, V.M. Pan, and V.G. Korobeinikova, Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, 19, 196-205 (1964). 66Due: I.J. Duerden and W. Hume-Rothery, J. Less-Common Met., 11(6), 381-387 ( 1966). 66Kor: I.I. Kornilov and E.N. Pylaeva, Russ. Metall.,69-70 (1966). 67Ruh: R.C. Ruhl, B.C. Giessen, M. Cohen, and N.J. Grant, J. Less-Common Met., 13(6), 611-618 (1967). 69Qui: W.E. Quist, C.J. Wekken, R. Taggart, and D.H. Polonis, Trans. AIME, 245( 2), 345-349 (1969). 70Wic: A. Wicker, C. Allibert, J. Oriole, and E. Bonnier, C.R. Hebd. S‚ances Acad. Sci., Ser. C, Sci. Chem., 271(4), 273-275 (1970). 71Wek: C.J. Wekken, R. Taggart, and D.H. Polonis, Met. Sci. J., 5, 219-223 ( 1971). 72Wek: C.J. Wekken, J.M. Larson, R. Taggart, and D.H. Polonis, J. Appl. Phys., 43(11), 4522-4531 (1972). 75Mur1: Y. Muramatsu, Trans. Nat. Res. Inst. Met. (Jpn.), 17(1), 21-32 (1975). 75Mur2: Y. Muramatsu, F. Roux, and A. Vignes, Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met., 16(2), 61-71 (1975) in French. Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Nickel Alloys, 1991 and Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 7(2), Apr 1986. Complete evaluation contains 4 figures, 2 tables, and 71 references. 1


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