Фазовая диаграмма системы Nd-Pd

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Nd-Pd (Neodymium-Palladium) Editor The Nd-Pd diagram is redrawn from [86Par] with the additional Nd3Pd4 phase reported by [74Pal] and the polymorphic transformation of NdPd reported by [ 75Pal]. The Fe3Th7-type phase reported by [73Mor] occurs at the Nd3Pd stoichiometry [86Par].-H.O. 60Dwi: A.E. Dwight, USAEC, ANL-6330, 158-162 (1960). 73Mor: J.M. Moreau and E. Parthe, J. Less-Common Met., 32(1), 91-96 (1973). 74Pal: A. Palenzona and A. Iandelli, J. Less-Common Met., 34(1), 121-130 (1974) . 75Pal: A. Palenzona and S. Cirafici, Thermochim. Acta, 12(3), 267-275 (1975). 86Par: D.G. Parnell, N.H. Brett, H.R. Haines, and P.E. Potter, J. Less-Common Met., 115, 167-176 (1986). 1


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