Фазовая диаграмма системы Cu-Ga

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Cu-Ga (Copper-Gallium) P.R. Subramanian and D.E. Laughlin The assessed Cu-Ga phase diagram closely follows that reported by [Hansen], which was based on the investigations of [34Wei], [37Hum], and [51Bet]. In the vicinity of 20 to 25 at.% Ga, the phase diagram has been modified in light of the findings of [64Kit], who reinvestigated the Cu-Ga system in the region of the z phase. The assessed liquidus is based on the data of [34Hum], [34Wei], and [37Hum] in the region 0 to 30 at.% Ga and on the data of [51Bet] in the region 30 to 100 at.% Ga. The maximum solid solubility of Ga in (Cu) lies at 20.6 at.% Ga at the peritectoid temperature of 620 C [40Owe]. The equilibrium phases are (1) the liquid, L; (2) the A1 fcc terminal solid solution, (Cu); (3) the A11 orthorhombic terminal solid solution, (Ga), with very little or no solid solubility of Cu; (4) the A2-type bcc intermediate phase, b, stable between 616 and 915 C, with a maximum homogeneity range of 19.3 to 27.5 at.% Ga; (5) the D83 cubic intermediate phase, g, with a homogeneity range of 29.5 to 34.7 at.% Ga, stable in the temperature range 490 to 836 C; (6) the D83 cubic intermediate phase, g1, with a homogeneity range of 29.8 to 37.6 at.% Ga, stable below 645 C; (7) the D83 cubic intermediate phase, g2, with a homogeneity range of 33.9 to 37.7 at.% Ga, stable below 485 C; (8) the D83 cubic intermediate phase, g3, with a homogeneity range of 37.5 to 42.7 at.% Ga, stable below 468 C; (9) the A3-type cph intermediate phase, z, stable between 325 and 620 C, with a maximum homogeneity range of 20.4 to 22.5 at.% Ga; (10) the hexagonal intermediate phase, z›, stable below 322 C, with an approximate homogeneity range of 21.0 to 22.4 at.% Ga at 300 C; and (11) the tetragonal FeSi2-type intermediate phase, q, stable below 254 C, with an approximate homogeneity range of 64.6 to 66.67 at.% Ga. 34Hum: W. Hume-Rothery, G.W. Mabbott, and K.M.C. Evans, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. (London) A, 233, 1-97 (1934). 34Wei: F. Weibke, Z. Anorg. Chem., 220, 293-311 (1934) in German. 37Hum: W. Hume-Rothery and G.V. Raynor, J. Inst. Met., 61, 205-222 (1937). 40Owe: E.A. Owen and V.W. Rowlands, J. Inst. Met., 66, 361-378 (1940). 41And: K.W. Andrews and W. Hume-Rothery, Proc. R. Soc. (London) A, 178, 464- 473 (1941). 51Bet: J.O. Betterton and W. Hume-Rothery, J. Inst. Met., 80, 459-468 (1951-52) . 59Mas: T.B. Massalski and B. Cockayne, Acta Metallogr., 7, 762-768 (1959). 64Kit: J.E. Kittl and T.B. Massalski, J. Inst. Met., 93, 182-188 (1964-65). 69Tik: O.I. Tikhomirova, M.V. Pikunov, I.D. Tochenova, and I.P. Izotova, Fiz. Khim. Mekhan. Mater., 5(4), 455-458 (1969) in Russian; TR: Sov. Mater. Sci., 5( 4), 355-358 (1969). 72Elb: M. El-Boragy and K. Schubert, Z. Metallkd., 63, 52-53 (1972) in German. 74Sto: R. Stokhuyzen, J.K. Brandon, P.C. Chieh, and W.B. Pearson, Acta Crystallogr. B, 30, 2910-2911 (1974). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 7 references. Special Points of the Cu-Ga System


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