Фазовая диаграмма системы Eu-Hf

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Eu-Hf (Europium-Hafnium) Editor The Eu-Hf phase diagram is based on [71Sav]. [Moffatt] added phase boundaries of vapor and liquid Eu phases based on information given in [71Sav]. Maximum solubility of Hf in liquid Eu is ~1.5 at.% at 850 C, decreasing to ~0.6 at.% at higher temperatures; solubility of Eu in Hf does not exceed 0.03 at.% at all temperatures investigated.-H.O. 71Sav: E.M. Savitskii, B.G. Arabei, V.I. Bakarinova, S.E. Salibekov, N.I. Timofeeva, and V.M. Romashov, Atom. Energ., 30,(4), 390-391 (1971) in Russian; TR: Sov. J. Atom. Energ., 30(14), 479-480 (1971). 1


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