Фазовая диаграмма системы Gd-In
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Gd-In (Gadolinium-Indium)
A. Palenzona and S. Cirafici
The assessed Gd-In phase diagram is based mainly on the work of [82Sem] and [
83Del], with review of [82Zhu], [83Yat], and [84Del]. The melting points of
the pure elements were adjusted to agree with the currently accepted values.
The equilibrium phases are (1) the liquid, L; (2) five intermediate phases-
Gd2In, Gd5In3, GdIn, Gd3In5, and GdIn3; and (3) three terminal solid solutions,
(aGd), (bGd), and (In).
Small homogeneity ranges were found for Gd2In, Gd5In3, and Gd3In5, whereas
wide solid solubility was observed for GdIn, which was reported as an off-
stoichiometric compound by [83Del]. Quantitative limits of these solubilities
were not determined. Wide solubility of In in both allotropic forms of Gd was
observed at 5 at.% in (aGd) at 920 C and at 15 at.% in (bGd) at 1025 C [
Gd3In is a possible metastable phase. [82Sem] and [83Del] found GdIn to have
an off-stoichiometry maximum melting point (at about 47 at.% In) and a wide
solubility range toward more Gd-rich compositions. The CsCl- or the disordered
W-type structure could be observed only for quenched alloys at 42 to 43 at.%
In [83Del]. On the basis of these data, the possibility that the CsCl- or W-
type structure for GdIn corresponds to an off-stoichiometry, metastable, or
high-temperature phase cannot be ruled out.
Gd2In follows the Curie-Weiss law at high temperature, with a maximum in
susceptibility at 103 K [80Par]. Magnetic and electrical measurements show
that Gd2In is ordered below 99.5 K in an antiferromagnetic phase with
metamagnetic behavior. Between 99.5 and 187 K, it is a ferromagnet [84Mca]. [
86Sar] confirmed a ferromagnetic transition at 99.5 K.
In Gd5In3, magnetic susceptibility between 4.2 and 250 K is rather complex. No
Curie-Weiss behavior was observed but the compound should be antiferromagnetic,
with an ordering temperature between 4.2 and 78 K [83Sem].
GdIn was found to be antiferromagnetic, with some uncertainties in the Curie
temperature. The N‚el temperature is 28 K [64Sek].
Magnetic measurements between 4.2 and 500 K indicate that GdIn3 follows the
Curie-Weiss law at high temperature; at low temperature, its behavior was
ascribed to antiferromagnetic ordering [69Bus].
60Ian: A. Iandelli, Rend. Accad. Nazl. Lincei, Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat., 29, 62-
69 (1960) in Italian.
61Bae: N.C. Baenziger and J.L. Moriarty, Acta Crystallogr., 14, 948-950 (1961).
64Kuz: Yu.B. Kuzma and Ya.V. Markiv, Kristallografiya, 9, 279-280 (1964) in
64Sek: K. Sekizawa and K. Yasukochi, Phys. Lett., 11, 216-217 (1964).
65Har: I.R. Harris and G.V. Raynor, J. Less-Common Met., 9, 7-19 (1965).
68Pal: A. Palenzona, J. Less-Common Met., 16, 379-384 (1968).
69Bus: K.H.J. Buschow, H.W. deWijn, and A.M. van Diepen, J. Chem. Phys., 50,
137-141 (1969).
71Shi: Y. Shimada, Duke Univ., Durham, NC, University Microfilms Order No. 72-
11, 128 (1971).
74Fra: E. Franceschi, J. Less-Common Met., 37, 157-160 (1974).
80Par: S. Parviainen and S. Penttila, Phys. Status Solidi (a), 60, K119-K122 (
81Del: S. Delfino, A. Saccone, D. Mazzone, and R. Ferro, J. Less-Common Met.,
81, 45-53 (1981).
82Zhu: Y. Zhuang, S. Yuan, J. Zheng, Acta Phys. Sin. (China), 31, 121-125 (
1982) in Chinese.
82Sem: A.A. Semyannikov and S.P. Yatsenko, Sint. Svoista Soedin. Redkozem.
Elem., V.G. Bamburov, Ed., Akad. Nauk. SSSR, Ural Nauchn. Tsentr., Sverdlovsk,
123-126 (1982) in Russian.
83Yat: S.P. Yatsenko, A.A. Semyannikov, H.O. Shakarov, and E.G. Fedorova, J.
Less-Common Met., 90, 95-108 (1983).
83Del: S. Delfino, A. Saccone, and R. Ferro, Z. Metallkd., 74, 674-679 (1983).
83Sem: I.P. Semitelou and J.K. Yakinthos, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 44, 31-35 (
84Mca: S.P. McAlister, J. Phys. F, Met. Phys., 14, 2167-2175 (1984).
84Del: S. Delfino, A. Saccone, and R. Ferro, J. Less-Common Met., 102, 289-310
86Sar: M. Saran, G. Williams, and S.P. McAlister, Solid State Commun., 57, 53-
57 (1986).
Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 10(3), Jun 1989. Complete evaluation
contains 4 figures, 5 tables, and 38 references.
Special Points of the Gd-In System