Фазовая диаграмма системы Mg-Mo

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Mg-Mo (Magnesium-Molybdenum) A.A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J.B. Clark There are no further investigations of the Mg-Mo system after those reported in [Hansen], [49Sau], [50Cli], and [51Cli]. [49Sau] reported that Mo did not alloy with Mg. [50Cli] found that arc melting of Mo with the addition of Mg produced an alloy containing only traces of Mg. 49Sau: F. Sauerwald, Z. Anorg. Chem., 258, 296-300 (1949) in German. 50Cli: Climax Molybdenum Co., Annual Report (1950). 51Cli: Climax Molybdenum Co., Annual Report, NR 031-331 (1951). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Magnesium Alloys, 1988. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 4 references. 1