Фазовая диаграмма системы Ni-Pd

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Ni-Pd (Nickel-Palladium) A. Nash and P. Nash The assessed Ni-Pd phase diagram is based primarily on the work of [27Fra] for the liquidus and solidus and on [37Mar] and [76Bei] for the magnetic transition, with review of the work of [13Hei], [36Man], [60Yaz], [64Bid], [ 65Bid], and [81Mes]. A more recent study and calculation of phase stability in the Ni-Pd system by [ 81Mes] confirmed the form of the liquidus and solidus and agrees with the experimental data of [13Hei] and [27Fra], both indicating a minimum melting point at 45.4 at.% Pd. There have been conflicting reports of a possible miscibility gap or long- or short-range ordering at low temperatures [27Fra, 71Lin], but presently such evidence cannot be reconciled with the thermodynamic data. In the assessed diagram, therefore, only the magnetic transition is shown. [60Yaz] measured the electrical resistivities of Ni-Pd alloys as a function of temperature between 0 and 700 C. The resistivities exhibited smooth inflections near the Curie point. 13Hei: F. Heinrich, Z. Anorg. Chem., 83, 322-327 (1913) in German. 27Fra: W. Fraenkel and A. Stern, Z. Anorg Chem., 166, 164-165 (1927) in German. 36Man: C. Manders, Ann. Phys., 5, 225 (1936) in French. 37Mar: V. Marian, Ann. Phys., 7, 512-514 (1937) in French. 60Yaz: S. Yazliev, Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 5(11), 1182-1184 (1960). 64Bid: L.R. Bidwell and R. Speiser, Acta Crystallogr., 17, 1473-1474 (1964). 65Bid: L.R. Bidwell and R. Speiser, Acta Metall., 13, 61-70 (1965). 71Lin: W. Lin and J.E. Spruiell, Acta Metall., 19(5), 451-461 (1971). 76Bei: J. Beille and R. Tournier, J. Phys. F, Met. Phys., 6(4), 621-629 (1979). 81Mes: P.J. Meschter, Chemical Metallurgy-A Tribute to Carl Wagner, Chicago, IL, 23-25 Feb 1981, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, 252-272 (1981). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Nickel Alloys, 1991. Complete evaluation contains 2 figures, 5 tables, and 37 references. 1


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