Фазовая диаграмма системы P-Zn

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


P-Zn (Phosphorus-Zinc) J. Dutkiewicz The assessed Zn-P phase diagram for 0 to 66 at.% P is based primarily on the thermal analysis, microscopy, and X-ray data of [69Ber] and on the differential thermal analysis data of [73Sch]. The polymorphic transformation temperatures for Zn3P2 and ZnP2 are near 850 and 990 C, respectively. [77Pis] reported that pressure above 10 kbar prevents transformation of aZn3P2 to bZn3P2 up to about 890 C and a pressure of 40 kbar raises the transformation temperature to >920 C. A third polymorphic modification of Zn3P2 was suggested to exist above 10 kbar and 900 C. [68Tan] indicated that with increasing pressure above 20 kbar and temperature above 150 C the monoclinic modification of ZnP2 transforms to a pseudocubic form, whereas above 450 C formation of tetragonal ZnP2 was observed at a low pressure. [68Tan] also reported the synthesis of a new crystalline form of ZnP4 at high temperature and high pressure. 35Sta: M.v. Stackelberg and R. Paulus, Z. Phys. Chem. B, 28, 427-460 (1935) in German. 63Heg: J. Hegyi, E.E. Loebner, E.W. Poor, and J.G. White, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 24, 333-337 (1963). 68Tan: Y. Tanaka, Rev. Phys. Chem. Jpn., 38, 151-169 (1969). 69Ber: J. Berak and Z. Pruchnik, Roczn. Chem., 43, 1141-1146 (1969). 73Sch: M. Schneider and M. Krumnacker, Neue HЃtte, 18, 715-718 (1973) in German. 77Pis: C.W.F.T. Pistorius, J.B. Clark, J. Coetzer, G.J. Kruger, and O.A. Kunze, High Temp.-High Pressures, 9, 471-482 (1977). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 16 references. Special Points of the Zn-P System


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