Фазовая диаграмма системы Pu-Sn

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Pu-Sn (Plutonium-Tin) E.M. Foltyn and D.E. Peterson With the exception of the identification of several compounds, little experimental work is available on the Pu-Sn system. This is surprising, considering that several processes involving liquid Sn for the recovery of spent nuclear fuels have been proposed [72And, 83Sel]. Several similarities between the Pu-Sn and Pu-Pb systems have been observed, resulting in the extrapolation of Pu-Pb behavior to the Pu-Sn system. The assessed Pu-Sn phase diagram is patterned largely after that of the Pu-Pb system [69Woo] with review of the experimental data of [64War]. It is tentative in most areas and is characterized by several high melting compounds and negligible mutual solubilities of the solid elements. The first work on this system was reported by [59Sch], who observed two intermetallic compounds-PuSn3 and a Pu-rich compound of uncertain stoichiometry proposed as Pu4Sn. [59Sch] also reported low solid solubilities and a eutectic between (Pu) and the uncertain Pu4Sn compound at approximately 13 at.% Sn. 59Sch: F.W. Schonfeld, E.M. Cramer, W.N. Miner, F.H. Ellinger, and A.S. Coffinberry, Metallurgy and Fuels 2, H.M. Finniston and J.P. Howe, Ed., Progress in Nuclear Energy Ser. V, Pergamon Press, 578 (1959). 64War: J.W. Ward and R.N.R. Mulford, J. Nucl. Mater., 12, 335-336 (1964). 67Ell: F.H. Ellinger, C.C. Land, and K.A. Gschneider, Jr., Plutonium Handbook, A Guide to the Technology, Vol. 1, O.J. Wick, Ed., Gordon and Breach, New York, 223 (1967). 68Ell: F.H. Ellinger, W.N. Miner, D.R. O'Boyle, and F.W. Schonfeld, USAEC Rep. LA-3870 (1968). 69Woo: D.H. Wood, E.M. Cramer, P.L. Wallace, and W.J. Ramsey, J. Nucl. Mater., 32, 193-207 (1969). 72And: R.N. Anderson, N.A.D. Parlee, and J.M. Gallagher, Nucl. Technol., 13, 29-35 (1972). 83Sel: G.S. Selvaduray, Eur. Appl. Res. Rep. Nucl. Sci. Technol. Sect., 4(6) 1451-1514 (1983). Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 9(2), Apr 1988. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 15 references. 1


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