Фазовая диаграмма системы B-C

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


B-C (Boron-Carbon) Editor The B-rich and C-rich boundaries of the B4C phase are drawn according to [ 61Ell] and [83Bea], respectively. A large number of compounds (B50C, B25C, B12C, B99C12, B8C, B7C, B13C2, B6C, B4C, B3C, BC) have been reported that are in poor agreement with each other [83Bea].-H.O. 61Ell: R.P. Elliott, IIT Res. Inst., ARF-2200-12, Final Rep. USAEC, 45 p (1961) ; quoted in [Elliott]. 79Wil: G. Will, A. Kirfel, and A. Gupta, J. Less-Common Met., 67(1), 19-29 ( 1979). 83Bea: M. Beauvy, J. Less-Common Met., 90, 169-175 (1983). 1


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