Фазовая диаграмма системы Be-V

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Be-V (Beryllium-Vanadium) H. Okamoto and L.E. Tanner The Be-V system is characterized by the presence of two intermediate phases- Be12V and Be2V. The assessed phase diagram is a tentative construction based on very limited experimental data [54Ros, 59Pai, 60Kri]. The melting point of bBe and the bBe = aBe allotropic transformation temperature are 1289 с 4 and 1270 с 6 C, respectively [Melt]. No solubility of V in (aBe) has been reported. The melting point of Be12V is about 1700 C. Be2V and (V) form a eutectic reaction at ~50 at.% V. The eutectic temperature has not been well established; incipient melting was observed at 1580 C in a 35 at.% V alloy and at 1680 C in a 77 at.% V alloy [54Ros]. The melting point of V is 1929 C [Melt]. The solid solubility of Be in V is < 4 at.% at 900 C [54Ros]. [80Tan] predicted the possible existence of a stable or metastable phase, BeV, having either the CsCl-type or CrB-type crystal structure from the study of a series of Be- transition metal systems. 54Ros: M.W. Rostoker and A. Yamamoto, Trans. ASM, 46, 1136-1163 (1954). 59Pai: R.M. Paine, A.J. Stonehouse, and W.W. Beaver, WADC Tech. Rep., Part 1 ( 1959). 60Kri: O.H. Krikorian, U.S. At. Energy Comm. UCRL-5989-T, 9 p (1960). 80Tan: L.E. Tanner, Acta Metall., 28(12), 1805-1816 (1980). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Vanadium Alloys, 1989, and Phase Diagrams of Binary Beryllium Alloys, 1987. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 1 table, and 13 references. 1