Фазовая диаграмма системы Cr-Se
К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)
Cr-Se (Chromium-Selenium)
M. Venkatraman and J.P. Neumann
The assessed Cr-Se phase diagram below ~1000 C is adopted from [87Bla]. The
high-temperature region involving the solid-liquid phase equilibria is
speculative; except for the melting point of CrSe(HT) [61Cor] and two points
on the Se-rich liquidus curve quoted by [75Bab], no data are available in this
region. Similar to the Cr-S system, the existence of a liquid miscibility gap
between the metal-rich liquid L1 and the Se-rich liquid L2 is assumed. The
liquidus points by [75Bab] indicate that, similar to the Cr-Te system, no
liquid miscibility gap exists in the Se-rich region. The liquidus point at
1500 C and 60 at.% Se is an estimate by [73Bar].
The Cr-Se phase diagram is characterized by the occurrence of several
intermediate phases in the solid state between approximately 50 to 60 at.% Se.
Similar to the Cr-S system, the existence of the following intermediate phases
has been clearly established: CrSe(HT) (hexagonal), CrSe(LT) (hexagonal),
Cr7Se8 (monoclinic), Cr3Se4 (monoclinic), Cr2Se3(I) (hexagonal), and Cr2Se3(II)
(rhombohedral). In addition to these equilibrium phases, the following
selenides have been reported-Cr1.03Se [75Bab], Cr2Se3(III) [87Bla], Cr5Se8 [
69Sle], and CrSe2 [80Bru]. These phases are either questionable or metastable
at ambient temperature and pressure.
The assessed phase diagram shows the equilibrium with Se(liquid), L2, at P >1
bar. No measurements of the boundaries of the two-phase region CrSe(LT) + L2
have been carried out, but the Se-rich phase boundary of the CrSe(LT) phase in
equilibrium with Se(liquid) must lie at a higher Se content than the one
corresponding to the equilibrium with Se(gas) at 1 bar. The temperature of the
catatectic reaction CrSe(LT) = Cr2Se3(II) + L2 is taken from [80Zhe]. The
temperature of the eutectic reaction L2 = Cr2Se(II) + (gSe) is taken from [
87Bla]; it is ~1 C below the melting temperature of pure gSe [Melt].
All intermediate selenide phases are essentially modifications of the
prototype NiAs (B81) structure, which is represented by the CrSe(HT) phase.
Analogous to the Cr-S system, the structures of the selenide phases are
characterized by the presence of vacancy defects on Cr-sites; the distribution
of the vacancies ranges from random to highly ordered. The vacancy
concentration increases with increasing Se content, tending toward the CdI2 (
C6) structure.
CrSe(HT) has the true NiAs-type structure with a random distribution of
vacancies over all Cr layers. In CrSe(LT), the vacancies occur only in
alternate Cr layers; within these layers, the distribution of the vacancies is
random. The transition temperature between these phases is approximately 1100
C [87Bla].
Based on the presence of a distinct anomaly in the electrical conductivity [
67Iva] and the observation of thermal effects at 305 C [75Bab], the existence
of Cr1.03Se was suggested by [75Bab]. An analogous phase is known to exist in
the Cr-S system. However, [87Bla] could not detect this phase, despite long
annealing times. [87Bla] suggested that the anomaly at 305 C is not due to a
polymorphic transformation, but that it is related to the eutectoid
decomposition of CrSe(LT) into (Cr) and Cr7Se8 at 362 C. Because the
existence of Cr1.03Se is questionable, it is not shown in the assessed diagram.
The solubility of Se in (Cr) was not determined, but it is suggested that it
is very small, similar to that of S in (Cr). Based on their measurements of
the partial pressure of Se corresponding to the equilibrium between Cr2Se3(II)
and Se (liquid), [80Zhe] concluded that the solubility of Cr in liquid Se is
Cr2Se3(III) was prepared by [87Bla] in the presence of elemental Se by
quenching from elevated temperatures (800 to 1100 C). Apparently, it forms
from the hexagonal high-temperature CrSe(LT) phase, which, on quenching,
undergoes a monoclinic distortion. On heating, the phase decomposes to Cr2Se3(
II) and (Se) [87Bla]. CrSe2 was prepared by oxidation of KCrSe2 with I2 in
acetonitrile at ambient temperature [80Bru]. It has the hexagonal CdI2-type
crystal structure. On heating, it decomposes at ~300 C irreversibly to Cr2Se3(
II) and Se [80Bru].
[68Bat] prepared CrSe by shock loading a mixture of Cr and Se powders. [69Sle]
prepared the intermediate phase Cr5Se8 at 1200 C under a pressure of 65 kbar.
It is not known if the phase is stable at ambient pressure.
Similar to the Cr-S system, the magnetic behavior of the selenides is very
complex; it depends strongly on their defect structure. Most of the
intermediate phases are semiconductors; at higher temperatures, all phases are
paramagnetic, becoming antiferromagnetic below room temperature. Only alloys
in the homogeneity range of the Cr3Se4 phase near ~58 at.% Se appear to become
ferro- or ferrimagnetic at very low temperatures [38Har, 73Yuz, 80Mau].
CrSe(HT) or (LT) exhibits metallic conductivity. Near 50 at.% Se, CrSe(LT) can
be retained easily at room temperature by even moderately slow cooling from
higher temperatures [87Bla]. CrSe(LT) becomes antiferromagnetic below room
temperature. At 50 at.% Se, the following N‚el temperatures were reported: 279
K [60Tsu], 235 K [57Lot], 285 K [62Mas], 276 с 4 K [78Mak] and 275 с 3 K [
80Mak]. The N‚el temperature decreases with increasing Se concentration [60Tsu]
to 279 K (50.0 at.% Se), 271 K (51.0 at.% Se), and 232 K (51.7 at.% Se).
Cr7Se8 appears to be a semiconductor [62Mas]. It is paramagnetic above 100 K;
the magnetic susceptibility exhibits an anomaly at 92 K [62Mas]. In contrast
to [62Mas], metallic conductivity was observed by [64Che]. The explanation for
these contradictory results might be the slow reaction kinetics of the
formation of Cr7Se8 from CrSe(LT); even after a year, the eutectoid reaction
was not completed [87Bla].
Cr3Se4 is a semiconductor. According to [79Bab], the N‚el temperature of
stoichiometry Cr3Se4 (57.1 at.% Se) has a value of 173 K, not ~80 K, as
reported in other investigations. The magnetic and electrical properties of
stoichiometric Cr3Se4 show clearly the presence of a transition at ~80 K [
81Pei], but it does not correspond to the antiferromagnetic N‚el temperature [
81Pei]. Cr-rich Cr3Se4 in the composition range 55.2 to 57.1 at.% Se is
antiferromagnetic at low temperatures; the temperature of the magnetic
transition increases from 15 K (55.2 at.% Se) to 88 K (57.1 at.% Se) [80Mau].
Se-rich Cr3Se4 in the composition range 57.1 to 58.8 at.% Se exhibits
ferromagnetic [80Mau] or ferrimagnetic [73Yuz] behavior at low temperatures.
The magnetic and electrical behavior of Cr2Se3(I) in the composition range 59
to 60 at.% Se is very complicated and requires clarification. The behavior is
very sensitive to variations in heat treatment and composition. Some of the
discrepancies among earlier studies might be explained by the only recently
reported observation that Cr2Se3(I) is not stable below ~500 C [87Bla]. It
appears that Cr2Se3(I) is a semiconductor [85Pei].
Cr2Se3(II) is a metallic conductor [76Bab]; it becomes antiferromagnetic below
the N‚el temperature of 43 K [73Yuz] or 42 K [80Bru]. Cr5Se8 exhibits metallic
conductivity; it is paramagnetic at room temperature, antiferromagnetic
between 250 and 100 K, and ferromagnetic below 100 K [69Sle].
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38Har: H. Haraldsen and F. Mehmed, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 239, 369-394 (1938)
in German.
56Tsu: I. Tsubokawa, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 11(6), 662-665 (1956).
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60Tsu: I. Tsubokawa, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 15(12), 2243-2247 (1960).
61Che: M. Chevreton and F. Bertaut, Compt. Rend. Paris, 253(1), 145-147 (1961)
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73Bab: D. Babot and M. Chevreton, J. Solid State Chem., 8, 166-174 (1973) in
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78Mak: G.I. Makovetskii and G.M. Shakhlevich, Phys. Status Solidi (a), 47, 219-
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Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 2 figures, 3 tables,
and 50 references.
Special Points of the Cr-Se System