Фазовая диаграмма системы Ho-In

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Ho-In (Holmium-Indium) H. Okamoto The assessed Ho-In phase diagram is based primarily on the thermal analyses of [83Yat]. The accuracy of the temperature scale may be no better than с5 C, because all quoted temperatures were rounded to the nearest 10 C. Because bHo is metastable, the Ho-rich end of the (bHo) phase field must be terminated by the L + (aHo) = (bHo) peritectic reaction. The high- temperature Mn5Si3-type bHo5In3 was found by [68Pal], and the low-temperature W5Si3-type aHo5In3 was found by [74Fra]. The transition temperature between the two forms is unknown, and they are not distinguished in the assessed diagram. To avoid the unusual asymmetry in the liquidus near the melting point of HoIn in the original phase diagram of [83Yat], congruent melting of Ho5In3 is shown in the assessed diagram. This modification does not contradict the thermal arrest data of [83Yat]. HoIn3 exhibits antiferromagnetism below the N‚el temperature of 11 K ( according to susceptibility measurements [69Bus]) or 11.5 с 0.5 K ( according to neutron diffraction measurements [70Ner]). 64Kuz: Yu.B. Kuz'ma and V.Ya. Markiv, Kristallografiya, 9(2), 279-280 (1964) in Russian; TR: Sov. Phys. Crystallogr., 9(2), 218-220 (1964). 65Har: I.R. Harris and G.V. Raynor, J. Less-Common Met., 9, 7-19 (1965). 65Mor: J.L. Moriarty, R.O. Gordon, and J.E. Humphreys, Acta Crystallogr., 19, 285-286 (1965). 68Pal: A. Palenzona, J. Less-Common Met., 16, 379-384 (1968). 69Bus: K.H.J. Buschow, H.W. DeWijn, and A.M. Van Diepen, J. Chem. Phys., 50(1), 137-141 (1969). 70Ner: N. Nereson and G. Arnold, J. Chem. Phys., 53(7), 2818-2823 (1970). 74Fra: E. Franceschi, J. Less-Common Met., 37(1), 157-160 (1974). 76Let: P. Lethuillier and A. Percherron-Guegan, J. Less-Common Met., 46(1), 85- 89 (1976). 81Del: S. Delfino, A. Saccone, D. Mazzone, and R. Ferro, J. Less-Common Met., 81(1), 45-53 (1981). 83Yat: S.P. Yatsenko, A.A. Semyannikov, H.O. Shakarov, and E.G. Fedorova, J. Less-Common Met., 90(1), 95-108 (1983). Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 13 references. Special Points of the Ho-In System


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