Фазовая диаграмма системы Ho-Yb

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Ho-Yb (Holmium-Ytterbium) Editor The phase diagrams of the Gd-Yb and Lu-Yb systems are similar, exhibiting an absence of intermediate phases and the existence of high-temperature liquid immiscibility [74Bea]. Therefore, Ho-Yb, bracketed by these systems, is considered to be similar to these two systems. [Moffatt] prepared the Ho-Yb phase diagram assuming close similarity to Lu-Yb.-H.O. 74Bea: B.J. Beaudry and F.H. Spedding, Metall. Trans., 5, 1631-1636 (1974). 1


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