Фазовая диаграмма системы In-Pt

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-Pt (Indium-Platinum) H. Okamoto The assessed In-Pt phase diagram is based on [78Hei2], with slight modifications, and with review of the experimental data of [37Zin], [47Hel], [ 50Sch], [68Har], [69Bha], [69Ell], and [76Gue]. The InPt phase field is controversial. [72Jai], who first proposed a phase diagram, did not observe InPt. However, the diagram of [76Gue] showed InPt as a line compound, forming peritectoidally at 944 C and stable down to at least 0 C. [78Hei1] could not find InPt below 930 C, but speculated that it exists in a narrow temperature range around 1000 C, as shown in the assessed diagram. Because InPt would be one of the most conspicuous phases at low temperatures if it exists, and because no indication of InPt was found in the literature except for [76Gue], the report of [78Hei1] is tentatively accepted in the assessed diagram. The peritectoid formation temperature of InPt proposed by [76Gue] is shown as the eutectoid decomposition temperature of InPt. The homogeneity range of In5Pt6 is approximate, because the phase relationships at high temperatures are speculative. The peritectic formation temperature of In9Pt13 in the assessed diagram is shown at ~1100 C to accommodate the peritectic formation temperature of bIn2Pt3. The reaction type and temperature of In9Pt13 formation must be studied further. The maximum solubility of In in (Pt) is 11 at.% at 1458 C [76Gue]. The solvus curve was determined at nine temperatures by [76Gue] using a metallographic method. In disagreement with this trend, the variation of lattice parameters of alloys homogenized at 900 and 1000 C, measured by [ 68Har] and [79Sch], respectively, indicated the solubility of In in (Pt) is 10 at.% at both temperatures. The lattice parameter method is preferred in the assessed diagram. Magnetic susceptibility data for InPt and (Pt) are available in [68Har] and [ 79Sch]. 37Zin: E. Zintl, A. Harder, and W. Haucke, Z. Phys. Chem., B, 35, 354-362 ( 1937). 47Hel: E. Hellner and F. Laves, Z. Naturforsch., A, 2(3), 177-183 (1947) in German. 50Sch: K. Schubert and H. Pfisterer, Z. Metallkd., 41, 433-441 (1950) in German. 61Sta: H.H. Stadelmaier and W.K. Hardy, Z. Metallkd., 52(6), 391-396 (1961) in German. 68Bha: S. Bhan, T. Godecke, P.K. Panday, and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 16, 415-425 (1968) in German. 68Har: I.R. Harris, M. Norman, and A.W. Bryant, J. Less-Common Met., 16(4), 427-440 (1968). 68Sch: K. Schubert, S. Bhan, T.K. Biswas, K. Frank, and P.K. Panday, Naturwissenschaften, 55, 542-543 (1968) in German. 69Bha: S. Bhan and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 17(1), 73-90 (1969) in German. 69Ell: M. Ellner, S. Bhan, and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 19(3), 245- 252 (1969) in German. 72Jai: K.C. Jain and S. Bhan, Trans. Indian Inst. Met., 25(3), 100-102 (1972). 76Gue: P. Guex and P. Feschotte, J. Less-Common Met., 46(1), 101-116 (1976) in French. 78Ell: M. Ellner, J. Less-Common Met., 60, P15-P39 (1978) in German. 78Hei1: S. Heinrich and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 57(1), P1-P7 (1978) in German. 78Hei2: S. Heinrich and K. Schubert, Z. Metallkd., 69, 230-236 (1978). 79Sch: H.J. Schaller, Z. Metallkd., 70(5), 318-321 (1979) in German. Submitted to the APD Program. Complete evaluation contains 2 figures, 3 tables, and 16 references. Special Points of the In-Pt System


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