Фазовая диаграмма системы Mo-S

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Mo-S (Molybdenum-Sulfur) L. Brewer and R.H. Lamoreaux The assessed phase diagram for the Mo-S system is based primarily on the work of [62Mor], [64Sch], [70Cla], and [77Flu] and was obtained by thermodynamic modeling. The system is characterized by two stable phases-Mo2S3 (mP10) and MoS2 (hP6). The Mo solidus is calculated and reaches a maximum of 4.2 at.% S at 1792 C. Various compositions between MoS2 and MoS3 have been prepared by decomposition of sulfomolybdates. These higher sulfides have essentially the hP6 structure, with expansion and distortion of the lattice up to MoS2.59 [41Mer] . Metastable amorphous phases are obtained with higher S contents [41Bil]. Mo3S4 (hR14) cannot be prepared from the elements and is not a stable binary phase [74Che]. MoS2 (hR3) is a metastable phase with a structure close to hP6. It is richer in Mo than MoS2 (hP6), and it may be stable at higher pressures [70Cla]. Various compositions between MoS2 and MoS3 have been prepared by decomposition of sulfomolybdates. Amorphous phases have been obtained with higher S content. 41Bil: A.H. Biltz and A. K”cher, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 248, 172-174 (1941). 41Mer: J. Mering and A. Levialdi, C.R. Acad. Sci., 213, 798-800 (1941). 62Mor: N. Morimoto and G. Kellerud, in Carnegie Inst. Washington, Year Book, 61, 143-144 (1962). 64Sch: S.C. Schaefer, A.H. Larson, and A.W. Schlechten, Trans. AIME, 230, 594- 595 (1964). 70Cla: A.H. Clark, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., Monatsh., (1), 33-38 (1970). 74Che: R. Chevrel, M. Sergent, and J. Prigent, Mater. Res. Bull., 9, 1487-1498 (1974). 77Flu: R. FlЃkiger, H. Devantay, J.L. Jorda, and J. Muller, Inst. Electr. Electron. Eng. Trans. Mag., 13, 818 (1977). Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 1(2), Dec 1980. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 15 references. 1


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