Фазовая диаграмма системы N-Ti

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-Ti (Indium-Titanium) J.L. Murray The assessed Ti-In phase diagram is based on metallographic and X-ray diffraction work [54Lev, 58And] on the Ti-side; thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, and optical observation of melting [62Joh] on the In-rich side; and on X-ray diffraction of three samples of intermediate composition [65Ram]. [54Lev] examined four alloys containing 1.8 to 15.2 at.% In from 800 to 1000 C by metallography, and [58And] examined 10 alloys from 4 to 31 at.% In at 750 to 1050 C by metallography and X-ray diffraction. The results of [58And] for the Ti-rich region are tentatively preferred because of the larger number of alloys examined, the probability that purer alloys were used, and the verification of metallographic results by X-ray diffraction. The (bTi) boundary (drawn by [Elliott] with a kink) has been smoothed to conform more plausibly with the combined findings of [54Lev] and [58And]. [58And] reported that a 30 at.% In alloy annealed at 950 C contained a two- phase assemblage of Ti3In and a phase that probably had the L12 structure. They noted that composition changes of as much as 10 at.% were caused by In loss during arc melting. The most In-rich compound, Ti3In4, forms by a peritectic reaction between the liquid and an unidentified phase at 796 C [62Joh]. [62Joh] determined the composition of Ti3In4 by X-ray diffraction and density measurements on crystals removed from the In-rich liquid. They estimated the composition of the liquidus at the peritectic temperature as 97.1 at.% In, based on the disappearance of the peritectic arrest and visual observation of the beginning of solidification. 54Lev: D.W. Levinson, D.J. McPherson, and W. Rostoker, WADC Technical Report, 53-41, 23-24 (1954). 58And: K. Anderko, Z. Metallkd., 49, 165-172 (1958) in German. 62Joh: R.G. Johnson and R.J. Prosen, Trans. AIME, 224, 397-398 (1962). 65Ram: A. Raman and K. Schubert, Z. Metallkd., 56(1), 44-52 (1965) in German. Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Titanium Alloys, 1987. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 3 tables, and 10 references. Special Points of the Ti-In System


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