Фазовая диаграмма системы Nb-S

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Nb-S (Niobium-Sulfur) Editor The Nb-S phase diagram is redrawn from [88Mis] with modifications quoted below. Intermediate phases reported in the system are Nb14S5 [73Che], Nb21S8 [68Fra], Nb10S9 [54Hag, 63Jel], NbS [69Kad], Nb3S4 [68Ruy], NbS2 [60Jel, 69Kad, 80Fis], and NbS3 [69Kad, 78Rij]. NbS occurs in two modifications: hexagonal aNbS and orthorhombic bNbS. The aNbS = bNbS transformation temperature was reported as 780 C on heating and 740 C on cooling [69Kad]. NbS2 also occurs in two forms: rhombohedral aNbS2 [80Fis, 81Pow] and hexagonal bNbS2 [60Jel, 69Kad]. aNbS2 was reported to be stable below 85 C [88Mis], whereas bNbS2 was observed to be stable between ~850 and ~1050 C [60Jel]. [80Fis] observed that the stoichiometry of NbS2 was dependent on the pressure of excess S in the reaction chamber. [73Che] reported that Nb14S5 melts slightly above 1500 C. No other melting data have been reported.-P.R.S. 54Hag: G. H„gg and N. Sch”nberg, Ark. Kemi, 7, 371-380 (1954). 60Jel: F. Jellinek, G. Brauer, and H. MЃller, Nature, 185, 376-377 (1960). 63Jel: F. Jellinek, Ark. Kemi, 20, 447-480 (1963). 68Fra: H.F. Franzen, T.A. Beineke, and B.R. Conard, Acta Crystallogr. B, 24, 412-416 (1968). 68Ruy: A.F.J. Ruysink, F. Kadijk, A.J. Wagner, and F. Jellinek, Acta Crystallogr. B, 24, 1614-1619 (1968). 69Kad: F. Kadijk and F. Jellinek, J. Less-Common Met., 19, 421-430 (1969). 73Che: H.Y. Chen, R.T. Tuenge, and H.F. Franzen, Inorg. Chem., 12(3), 552-555 ( 1973). 78Rij: J. Rijnsdorp and F. Jellinek, J. Solid State Chem., 25, 325-328 (1978). 80Fis: W.G. Fisher and M.J. Sienko, Inorg. Chem., 19(1), 39-43 (1980). 81Pow: D.R. Powell and R.A. Jacobson, J. Solid State Chem., 37, 140-143 (1981). 88Mis: A.V. Mishchenko, I.V. Yushina, and V.E. Fedorva, Zh. Neorg. Khim., 33(2) , 437-442 (1988) in Russian; TR: Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 33(2), 244-247 (1988). 1