Фазовая диаграмма системы Pd-Sb

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Pd-Sb (Palladium-Antimony) Editor The Pd-Sb phase diagram is based primarily on [Hansen], who compiled thermal analysis data of [12San] and [32Gri]. Four compounds were found later in the region between 25 and 39 at.% Sb below ~1050 C. Some solubility range is shown for each phase in [77Wop].-H.O. 12San: W. Sander, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 75, 97-106 (1912) in German. 28Tho: L. Thomassen, Z. Phys. Chem., 135, 383-392 (1928) in German. 32Gri: A.T. Grigorjew, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 209, 308-320 (1932) in German. 53Sch: K. Schubert, K. Anderko, M. Kulge, H. Beeskow, M. Ilschner, E. Dorre, and P. Esslinger, Naturwissenschaften, 40(9), 269 (1953) in German. 70Elb: M. El Boragy, S. Bhan, and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 22(4), 445- 458 (1970) in German. 76Wop: W. Wopersnow and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 48(1), 79-87 (1976) in German. 77Wop: W. Wopersnow and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 51(1), 35-44 (1977) in German. 78Bha: S. Bhan and H. Kudielka, Z. Metallkd., 69(5), 333-336 (1978). 1